Meeting notes 13th November 2000


Present: Ian, Liz Clarke, Liz Jones, Chrissy, Simon, Rob, Denise, Liv, Joanne & Ade


Minutes of last meeting

These were agreed as being correct. Agenda required in readiness of the next meeting.      AW


Teacher involvement in developing Korfball

It was agreed that it might be wise to get hold of videos of Korfball being played to

demonstrate to teachers. Huey or Phil Buttinger may be able to help.                                  Liz C

Course required to give teachers an understanding of how to teach the game required

Ian to talk with Liam Clarke who is able to arrange this.                                                     Ian


Lottery Awards

Application form and example of successful application discussed with a view to us

making an application. Handed over to Ade to assess in detail.                                           AW


Ely and Soham Schools

It was pointed out that both these schools are secondary schools and as such will need

full size posts. Phoenix have some old posts


CDSSSA meeting

This meeting is being held on 9th January and Korfball is now on the agenda. We need a

presence there to promote Korfball. Andy Rutter, Liv Armitage and Lia from Kites have

been suggested.



Phoenix can offer one coach and three assisters to aid the junior development, while

City and Tigers both have volunteers. Kites naturally have people to help out. Definitive

list of people required from all clubs.                                                                                All



It was suggested we might recruit juniors through school holiday activity sessions held

at venues such as local sports centres where we could set up some Korfball games.

CRC has a Twilight Zone session that may be suitable                                                        Chrissy

Kelsey Kerridge and Impington Village College may have such events                                  City &


Debbie Etheridge may have ideas on other ways to target juniors. Debbie to be

contacted.                                                                                                                     Liz C


Kites Junior training

There are few attending at present (8 at last session). If this is continued in the new

year then all clubs need to send volunteers along to help out with this training while

the longer term junior development plan is evolved.                                                          All


Time Scales

It was felt that realistically it would be September before the new development was up

and running to give proper time to plan.



National Youth day

Is this to be 1st Sunday in July? Confirmation required.                                                       Liz J


Other promotion

Demo could be run in the Grafton Centre. Process of booking and feasibility to be

investigated                                                                                                                   Chrissy

Big Day Out – Now we know what this involves we can build on it and improve.

Focus to be made on Juniors.

Council Involvement – Liv is meeting council chap and will mention Junior development

issues.                                                                                                                          Liv


Next Meeting

Next meeting to be held at The Boot, Histon on 4th January 2001 at 7pm.



Ade 13th December 2000